

Board of Directors

The Board holds the broadest powers of administration and management over the Association and it is subjected to the powers reserved to the General Assembly.

Scientific Steering Committee

The Steering Committee defines and steer the scientific and medical strategy of ACCELERATE. It is a multi-stakeholder group, and each stakeholder has an equal voice.


Patients Advocates



Intuitu Personae

General Assembly

The General Assembly holds the broadest powers enabling ACCELERATE to achieve its purpose, including those to appoint/remove members of the Board as well as to approve budgets and accounts.


The ACCELERATE team has an office in Brussels led by the Director of Operations, which reports to the Board of Directors.


ACCELERATE gathers a network of more than a thousand of volunteers and participants who bring an immense added value to our work. We would like to thank them all for their hard work and for being part of the ACCELERATE initiative!

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