Cancer in Children & Adolescents
Pediatric cancer is still a major public health issue. Despite improving survival rates, cancer is still the first cause of death by disease beyond one year of age. Only in Europe, 6,000 young people die prematurely each year due to cancer.
ACCELERATE brings experts from various childhood cancer fields to the table to discuss and find optimal solutions for patients in need.
Need for innovative therapies, based on a medicine’s mechanism-of-action
Innovative oncology drugs with new mechanisms of action (MOA) are already available for adult cancers and can be more effective than traditional drugs in several refractory malignancies. The field of drug development is currently expanding beyond well-studied areas like signalling pathways, to target patient’s immune system, as well as their unique genetic profile and metabolism. However, despite recent EU regulatory initiatives that changed the landscape of paediatric drug development in Europe for the better, access to innovative therapies remains insufficient and slow for children and adolescents with cancer.
This is why introducing safe and innovative treatments into standard care is a priority for all groups involved or working in the field of childhood cancers, in order to ensure the best possible care and outcomes for all children and adolescents with cancer in Europe.
ACCELERATE contributes to the need for innovative therapies by organizing multi-stakeholder Paediatric Strategy Forums and Conferences to discuss how to get these innovative therapies to the ones in need.
Facilitating cooperation and collaboration between all stakeholders
Facilitating cooperation and collaboration between all stakeholders on an international level is key for children and adolescents with cancer to receive their needed therapies. ACCELERATE aims to break down silo’s and put all experts to the table. These experts from the academic world, patients and parents advocates, representatives from the pharmaceutical industry, and regulators are brought to the table during our events such as the Paediatric Strategy Forums and Annual Conference or via research groups. Each stakeholder is able to discuss with an equal voice their perspective on drug development in childhood cancer to find solutions all together.
Priorities in the international regulatory environment
ACCELERATE engages with the international regulatory environment in the United States and Europe. ACCELERATE and its stakeholders believe following priorities in legislation are necessary to prosper childhood cancer drug development:
More information and details on ACCELERATE’s objectives have been described in following research paper:
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